Coaching for psychologists
A practical 5 day programme for psychologists with GBC (or international equivalent) which covers core coaching skills and the psychology underpinning coaching.
This programme is approved by the British Psychological Society for the purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Live interactive sessions
Integration workshops
Downloadable coaching tools
Recordings of sessions
Ongoing student support community
BPS approved CPD
5 day programme (10 half days)
Every Monday and Wednesday morning (9am-12.30pm)
Next course:
Monday 18th September 2023 - Wednesday 18th October 2023
Zoom - online
Full price - £1497
Early bird price - £1197
This course has been approved by the BPS through its CPD approval scheme have been assessed against the five standards underpinning the scheme, and they are approved solely on this basis. It has not been assessed as suitable or otherwise for contributing towards alignment with the level 8 standards in coaching psychology or preparation for an application for Chartered Membership of the BPS.
Should a delegate undertake this course and then later use their learning towards demonstration of the level 8 standards in coaching psychology, this will be independently assessed through the Society’s own process.
The course is based mainly on Standards 1 & 3 of the BPS' Standards in Coaching Psychology and covers core coaching skills and the psychology underpinning coaching. It will build on your existing psychological knowledge and skills to enable you to confidently coach others. It will ensure that the professional boundaries between coaching psychology and other domains of practice are clearly understood.
Most importantly, this course will allow you to actively construct knowledge and understanding rather than passively take in information. This will allow you to incorporate and build new skills and information in to your pre-existing foundation of knowledge and experience - whatever your starting point!
This coaching course is designed primarily for those who have a background in psychology who want to coach. You might already be a Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society, or a Graduate member who is just beginning their training. If you are not yet a Graduate member of the BPS but have believe that you have a good grounding in psychology, please contact us for a chat before enrolling on the course.
We will cover some of the core competencies in coaching psychology including:
Define and contract work as a coaching psychology
Practice within legal, ethical and professional boundaries
Work flexibly with a range of coaching models
Identify clients' exceptions, needs and requirements and negotiate priorities to maximise potential effects
Managing a coaching conversation including contracting/re-contracting, objective setting, insight/awareness building, empowering personal responsibility, action planning, identifying barriers, contingency planning, commitment to action
How to critically evaluate and use a range of evidence-based psychological skills, techniques and strategies in coaching
Learning and refine core coaching skills including rapport and trust, coaching presence, active listening, use of effective questions, summarising, paraphrasing and reflecting, refocusing attention, managing emotions and energy
Understand how existing knowledge and practice in psychology translates to coaching
Delivered by Dr Marie Stopforth, Founder and Coaching Psychologist
Marie is a Chartered Psychologist and coaching psychologist. She has taught Coaching Psychology at the University of East London, before launching her own coaching business. More recently, she wrote the BPS Standards for Chartered Coaching Psychology, and is the Chief Assessor for their professional recognition route.
Coaching for psychologists
Live interactive sessions
Learn about the core competencies in coaching psychology and how they apply to your own coaching practice
Integration workshops
Learn to embody coaching psychology through group discussions, examples, and practice. Receive feedback and support as you embrace this evidence based practice
Downloadable coaching tools
Get access to a number of carefully selected coaching tools to help you to integrate your learning in to your practice
Recordings of sessions
Sessions will be recorded (subject to confidentiality) so that you can revisit any of the sessions at your leisure
Ongoing student support community
Access to student support with the tutor so that all of your questions can be answered, and to a peer community for ongoing learning and development
BPS approved CPD
BPS approval for this course is pending.