One to one training/mentoring
I offer a very limited number (4 people max) of one-to-one year long training/mentoring opportunities to help you to develop your coaching psychology practice
What can you expect?
Whatever your starting point and professional ambitions in coaching psychology, you'll spend a year with me either one to one or in intimate small group work (max 4) to cut through the noise and get laser focussed and individually tailored support and training to achieve your professional development goals.
We'll start by spending half a day together discussing where you currently are, what you want to achieve in 12 months (and beyond). We'll then work on a plan with achievable goals and a clear timeline. This will, of course, be flexible, and we'll revisit it regularly to make sure that we're where we need to be.
Your professional status is more than the sum of the parts
My experience of working with many coaches over the years is that we sometimes underestimate our professional expertise. This may be partly because we have experienced many different 'chunks' of learning and experience that we haven't connected up in a meaningful way. We often don't take the time to reflect upon, recognise and value what we have accumulated over years (and £s!) of training and experience, and it's easy to miss the connections.
I will help you to consolidate your prior learning and experience, helping you to join the dots and get a realistic perspective on where you currently are in your professional development journey. You'll also be able to clearly articulate your current professional status. It's not until we make a conscious effort to bring together the different elements of our knowledge, training, & experience that we recognise our true current professional standing. Let's start here before you even think about whether you need to do another course!
Let's demystify coaching psychology
Having a clear understanding of where you want to get to, and a realistic perspective on where you currently are helps you to be laser focussed on what you need to do next. But let's make sure that you're not exaggerating what it is that you really need to do!
When I was doing my PhD, my supervisor reflected back to me that I was experiencing a mismatch between what I thought I needed to do, and what I actually needed to do to achieve my goal. I dismissed this observation (in the name of perfectionism), boldly stating that I wasn't willing to just achieve the minimum requirements, but that I wanted it to be brilliant! The obvious paradox was that I was at risk of letting perfect be the enemy of good - and of course, not recognising that learning and development is a journey, not a destination. I was viewing my PhD as the pinnacle rather than a stepping stone.
Psychology, in my opinion, is a noble profession, and it takes many years of education and training to be recognised as a psychologist. But I sometimes think that the status of the profession can make it appear out of reach for some. Yes, there are standards and minimum requirements that need to be achieved, but don't let your perspective on what you think it might involve cloud the reality.
I will work with you to demystify coaching psychology, whilst protecting and upholding the ethical, moral and professional standards of the profession that I'm so proud to be a part of. Bottom line - I want you to make fully informed, evidence based decisions about what's achievable for you in this profession rather than being put off by how high you think the bar is (spoiler alert: it's relatively high, but you might be closer than you think!).
Accountability, not dependency
The best mentor and teacher that I ever had once said to me "my job is to make myself redundant". It's a terrible business model, but one that comes from a very strong moral compass. Accountability helps you to stay focussed and motivated, and of course, I will act as your accountability partner throughout the year. However, I will be very careful to make sure that you end the year with the tools you need to move on to whatever is next for you. This might involve working with another coach/mentor/supervisor for the next step of your journey, or it might be that we re-contract and continue to work together. However, if you end the year feeling that you need to be accountable to me in any way, then I've done something wrong!
Who can really help you to get to where you want to be?
It genuinely might not be me! But here's a taster of the skills, experience and knowledge that I can share with you:
I'm a coaching psychologist first and foremost. I incorporate psychology successfully within my coaching practice every single day. I navigate that path between being non-directive and client centred, whilst lightly holding my knowledge and expertise as a psychologist and using this to curiously explore what's meaningful and helpful for my clients. It's a delicate balance!
I wrote the BPS Standards for Coaching Psychology. This means that I know them inside out, and perhaps more importantly, understand the thinking behind the words. If Chartered Status is your goal, then I can help you with this
I wrote the handbook/guidelines for the BPS professional recognition route for Chartered Status and have just been appointed as Chief Assessor.
I'm a BPS Chartered and HCPC registered sport and exercise psychologist, as well as a coaching psychologist. My expertise is in the psychology of performance, wellbeing and behaviour change, and I can honestly say that there've very little that I've learnt through my training as a practitioner psychologist that I haven't incorporated in to my coaching at some point. I'd be happy to share this with you
I'm an experienced teacher/trainer. I taught in Universities for nearly 20 years, wrote, developed, delivered and led academic programmes, including Masters degree level coaching psychology. I currently run programmes in coaching psychology through my own business, the School of Coaching Psychology and as an associate with the Institute of Positive Psychology Coaching. I would argue that my gift is in being able to simplify complex concepts, make learning accessible to everyone, and make sure that all learning can be applied to practice, but don't take my word for it!
I'm an experienced researcher, and have supervised many students' research at undergraduate, Masters and PhD level. I can therefore support you with the research element of the BPS Standards, if that is your goal
I'm a trained supervisor on the BPS' Register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors. I currently work with a number of coaches and coaching psychologists on practice supervision, and supporting applications for Chartered Status in Coaching Psychology
I will always be open and honest about what I think. If I can see a barrier to your progress, I will tell you and we can explore it together
What will you actually get?
This offer is a blend of many things. Ultimately, I will give you my time and expertise to help you to achieve your professional development goals in coaching psychology over the coming year.
Training - once we've established any gaps in knowledge/training, I can develop and deliver a bespoke training plan including one to one sessions, relevant reading/sources, coaching practice and feedback etc. I will include all of the content of my Psychology for Coaches programme (worth £1497). If there's anything that I can't deliver personally, then I will help you to source the most relevant alternative training programme for your development
Supervision - I will be your supervisor for the year
Mentoring - I will mentor you and provide guidance and advice on meeting your professional development goals
Expertise - wherever relevant and possible, I will share the fruits of my labour with you. This might be in terms of insight, signposting, making connections etc. You will have access to my network through me.
First steps...
Let's have an initial, no obligation conversation to see if we might want to work together in the ways outlined above. Click the link below to schedule a meeting